International Congregation of the National Church of Iceland
“International Congregation of the National Church of Iceland” is not a specified congregation in a particular church-house. It is a concept that comprehends most of the activities and fellowship with immigrants and refugees in this country that are being held on behalf of the National Church of Iceland.
At this moment (February 2019), they are Seekers prayer meeting at the Háteigs-church in Reykjavík, Seekers prayer meeting at the Keflavíkur-church and Sunday services and social evening at the Breiðholts-church in Reykjavík.
Besides those, the catechism class (class for the baptism), counseling service, various support for practical matters and etc. are being provided after neccessity and convenience for those who need them.
FACEBOOK PAGE of the International Congregation of NCI is here
Seekers’ Café and Prayer at the Háteigs-church
Tuesdays at 14:00
Seekers’ Café & Prayer is a community for chatting and prayer that is especially designed for asylum seekers in Iceland. From 14:00 to 15:30 is open café time when participants can chat about non-religious matters or some asylum ceses. From 15:30 to 16:00, we move to the church and have time for prayers. Anyone who doesn’t join the Christian prayer can skip it.
The name of “Seekers” is coming from the idea that we all must be looking for something in our own lives on earth as well as actual asylum seekers as refugees.
Seekers Café and Prayer at the Háteigs-church is held on Tuesdays 14:00. Rev. Ása Laufey Sæmundsdóttir serves together with Toshiki Toma, pastor for immigrants.
* The meeting will be re-started from 12th October 2021.
Seekers prayer meeting at the Keflavíkur-church
Wednesdays at 13:00
Seekers prayer meeting at the Keflavíkur-church is held on Wednesdays 13:00. Cooperating pastors are Rev. Elra Guðmundsdóttir (perish priest of the Keflavíkur-church) and Rev. Fritz Már Jörgensson (priest in Keflavíkur-perish).
* The meeting in Keflavík- church is curently in recess.
Counseling and other services
Counseling service, the catechism class (class for the baptism), various support for practical matters and etc. are being provided after neccessity and convenience for those who need them.
Please contact Toshiki Toma, pastor for immigrants if you need the service.