Alþjóðleg samkirkjuleg bænavika fyrir einingu kristninnar er haldin árlega frá 18. – 25. janúar. Þessa viku sameinast kristið fólk um allan heim í bæn fyrir einingu. Þema vikunnar þetta ár er: ,,Gerðu gott, leitaðu réttlætis“.
6. dagur bænavikunnar, mánudaginn 23. janúar, verður bænasamkoma haldin hjá Alþjóðlega söfnuðinum í Breiðholtskirkju. Í henni munu tveir íranskir félagar í söfnuðinum segja frá kúgun og óréttlæti sem almenningur í Íran, sérstaklega konur, börn og ungmenni upplifa.
Bænavikan er undirbúin af kirkjum sem tilheyra samkirkjulegum samtökum er nefnast Alkirkjuráðið (World Council of Churches) og Rómversk-kaþólsku kirkjunni.
Hér á landi er bænavikan undirbúin af Samstarfsnefnd kristinna trúfélaga á Íslandi og samkirkjulegum hópum á Akureyri og víðar.
Prestanir eru sr. Ása Laufey Sæmundsdóttir og Toshiki Toma.
Organisti er Örn Magnússon.
Stundin fer fram á ensku og heitt kaffi á könnum eftir stundina.
Prayer service for justice, compassion and Christian unity will be held on Monday 19:30 at the International congregation in the Breiðholtskirja. This is the sixth day of the International Ecumenical week of prayer for Christian unity.
The International Ecumenical Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is held annually from January 18-25. This week, Christians around the world join together in prayer for unity. The week of prayer is prepared by churches that belong to ecumenical organizations called the World Council of Churches, and in addition to it, the Roman Catholic Church. In Iceland, the week of prayer is prepared by the Association of Christian Religious Organizations in Iceland and ecumenical groups in Akureyri and elsewhere.
In the service on 23rd, two Iranian individuals, who are in our congregation, talk about the opression and injustice that women and young people have been facing for a long time in Iran, and we pray for them as well as for all those who suffer opression and injustice in the world.
Pastors of the congregation serve, and the organsit is Örn magnússon.
The service will be in Engslih.