Worship & Prayer service of the International congregation in the Breipholts-church will be held on Suday 23rd at 14:00.The Sunday school for small children won’t be held though in August.

Because of the increasing of the infection of Covid 19 last weeks, the participants in the gathering are kindly asked to respect the 2 meters’ social distance and also to use a face mask in case it is not possible to keep the social distance.

Pastor Toshiki Toma.

Sunnudagsmessa Breiðholtssafnaðar verður ekki 23. sunnudag, en fermingarguðsþjónusta verður haldin kl.14:00 í Fella- og Hólakirkju og einnig kl.16:00. Fermingarbörn eru öll frá Breiðholtssöfnuðinum.
Prestur Magnús Björn Björnsson, organisti Örn Magnússon og félagar úr Breiðholtskórnum syngja.

Myndin er eftir Luca_Micheli@Unsplash